

English Language

I. Aims and Objectives


Build up a stronger English language environment on campus


Enable learners to broaden and deepen the language competencies they have developed through basic education


Enhance learners’ awareness of language learning in daily life


Develop learners’ interest and confidence in using English as their understanding and mastery of the language grow

     (A)  Junior Level :

  • 1.

To provide a language-rich environment to encourage learners to learn and use English;

  • 2.

To make use of a broad range of activities and materials to enhance learners’ motivation and to develop their creativity as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills;

  • 3.

To promote a culture of reading among learners;

  • 4.

To develop learning skills as well as the positive values and attitudes conducive to independent and lifelong language learning

     (B)  Senior Level :

  • 1.

To offer every student further opportunities to extend their knowledge and experience of other cultures as well as opportunities for their personal and intellectual development, further study, pleasure and work in the English medium;

  • 2.

To enable every student to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from an advancement in information technology. These demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study or work in the English medium.

II. Major concerns

  • 1.

To cater for the learners’ diversity to enhance their academic results;

  • 2.

To cultivate a good learning attitude and confidence among students;

  • 3.

To enhance students’ confidence and ability through reading;

  • 4.

To enhance teaching effectiveness through IT and manipulation of data;

  • 5.

To enhance teachers’ professionalism

III. Strategies


    All lessons should be well planned for good motivation. At least two of the following four elements should be included in each lesson:

  • a)

Highlight useful vocabulary (e.g. recycle the previous taught , newly taught vocabulary ……)

  • b)

Ways to build up students’ confidence (e.g. ask students to speak, present their ideas in front of the classmates ……)

  • c)

Use of a mind-map (e.g. when teaching speaking, writing……)

  • d)

highlight topic sentences (e.g. when teaching reading, writing……)


School in News

2A Chen Yui Lam    

4A Annie Zhou Ying 3A Cheung Chun Wai 1B Lee Pak Yee Mona

4A Hebe Wong Ching-yi 1A Lee Yuk-yan 4A Nancy Gong Xin-yue  
4A Lydia Lin Ka-yin 4A Mary Lui Kai-lam 3B Yumi Cheung Pui-man  
3A Tse Siu Ying 6A Ken Ou Weijian 4B Heison Chan Lok-hei  
4A Lydia Lin Ka yin 4B Blaza Jamillah Hessa 4B Heison Chan  
2B Kary Wong Ka Yi 4A Benden Chan Yan-bin 3A Linda Liu Shu-yi  
4A Lyu Xiao Jing 4A Lo Mung Ying 3A Zeng Tsz Ying  
3A So Hiu Laam 3A Leung Hiu Fung 3A Fung Cheuk Nam  
5A Patrick Chan Bo Yao.PNG 5A Tam Yuk Yuen.PNG 4A Chen Yan Bin.PNG  
3B Blaza Jamillah Hessa.PNG 3A Shi Chi Ming.PNG 3A Liu Shu Yi.PNG  
3A Liao Zhi Yong 3A Oscar Tan Wei Hao 3A Wang Kwun ki  
Marching Band@Disney 3B Sam Chen Ze Wei 3B Zhang Xiao Ting  
3A Gong Yin Yue 3B Hebe Wong Ching Yi 3A Steven Wang Xin-ge  
5B Liu Le Yi 4A Lo Mung Ying.PNG The Treasure Hunt Game  
4A Zhou Nga Ting 3A Mandy Lau Man Yui 4A Niki Ho Cheuk Kei  
4A Hannah Wu Jia Hui 4A Siliva Wong Tsz Yan 3A Wong Chi Ching  
3A Chan Yan Kit 3B Lui Kai Lam Staff Development day  
4A Li Kin Fung 3A Lau Man Yui 5A Cheuk Yi Long  
4A Ma Zhi Ying 4A Zhou Nga ting 3A Chen Wai Ting  
4A LUO JIAWEI All Saints Day Mid Autumn  
Campus TV 4A LYU XIAOJING 1B Fong Hon Tak  
4A Wong Tsz Yan 3B Ng Chun Sing 4A Zhou Nga Ting  
70th Anniversary 5B Chow Yu Fu 6A Ng Yuen Man  

Useful links

World news


ELC Study Zone (@UVic)

These stories are accompanied with exercises. Answers are provided and a score is given for each answer.

A free website with more than 500 reading lessons. Every lesson comes with free audio, a free printable worksheet and a free multiple choice quiz.

Graded Reading @ British Council


This is a section of the British Council especially aimed at teens. Stories and articles are written at three different levels A2 (elementary), B1 (intermediate) and B2 (upper-intermediate). There are also online interactive multiple choice exercises to test your comprehension and a grammar exercise based on the text.


BBC 6 minute English ESL Lounge News in levels  


BBC 英語教學 BBC 英倫網 每日頭條 小格子教英文
Story online ESL video Book creator



Human Scrabble was organized for S1 to S3 students during lunch time by Dr Murray and the relevant junior form English teachers.



Christmas Tree Decoration & Christmas songs: Cross-subject English activities (Music Department and English Department): Our NET helped teach around 40 students from school Choir to sing Christmas songs and identify members of the Holy Nativity set.



English Debate: S3 students did a debate on space exploration.



Students in each class are invited to present an English story book in front of their classmates during the reading periods. 


Drama Workshop: S2 students attended a 20-hour Drama Workshop. They participated in a live show called “The Tempest” in Tuen Mun Town Hall Auditorium.


S1 Orientation: The newly-joined S.1 participated in 3-day Fun Camp organised by our NET.  Students performed a mini-drama as an “exit-ticket” to the Camp.


The Riddle Lantern Fair: On September 28, the Ming Yuen family celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival, and everyone had a fantastic time.  The event took place in the school library where gorgeous paper lanterns were hung with riddles attached.  Junior form students participated eagerly and spent their English lessons in the library guessing answers to lantern riddles to win prizes.


All Saints Day: On October 29, the Ming Yuen family celebrated a different kind of “Halloween”. The school instituted creative alternative to “Trick-or-Treating” that appealed to students and teachers alike.
Secondary Three students spent their English lessons learning about Holy souls and acrostic poems.  During lessons, students researched about Saints and holy souls and discussed qualities of being a good and kind person.  They then worked on the theme, “I can be a saint, too!” to write up their acrostic poems using the word “saint”.





Easter Egg Hunt: On April 13 to 14, our S3 students participated in Easter Egg Hunt organized by our NET.  It is a unique treasure hunt with clues simple and easy to solve on the fly.  Our S3 amateur detectives were divided into groups and each group had to find “dragon balls” of a specific colour.  The first group which successfully collected 12 balls had to run to the English Corner for their Grand Prize.







An interview of famous D.J, Sammy Leung : Our S4 students were having a unit on “Studying, School Life and Work”.  To help them further understand the unit, the S4 students had a zoom interview with the famous, DJ, Mr. Sammy Leung on April 13.  In the interview, Sammy gave the students a lot of ideas on how to prepare themselves before entering the work field.  It was a fantastic experience talking to a celebrity.








Shopping Game (F.2) All F.2 students enjoyed an authentic learning activity in which teachers acted as the sellers and students asked the teachers to buy stationery, food and drinks on 15th December, 2021. After that, they sang Christmas carols with our NET teacher, Dr Murray, in the English Corner. It was a good way for teachers and students to interact with one another in English.







The English Week was held from 17/10 (Monday) to 21/10 (Friday) This week-long event included cultural games with foreigners from Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Germany, America and India. Moreover, there were school-based ‘shopping experience’ activities, ‘I can do it’ speaking scheme and game booths set up by Polytechnic University students. On 21st October, a grand quiz event involved all the F.1 to F.5 students in our school and most students got a lot of chocolates as their trophies. All students enjoyed all the activities very much





Two of our F.6 students,Andy Li Kin Fung and Irene Luo Jia Wei, and Vincent Paramarta Winarto from F.1 joined the UNSDGs Debating Competition (2022/23) in November and won the fourth place in CMI Form Six Division.




Congratulations to 5A Gong Xi Yue, Liu Shu Yi, and Chen Wai Ting, who won the First, Second, and Third in the S5 Solo Prose Reading – Non-Open Secondary 5- Girls competition in the 74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival.



Easter Egg Hunt (2023): On April 14 and 20, our S3 students participated in Easter Egg Hunt organized by our NET.  All S3 students were divided into two groups and the groups which successfully collected 12 balls had to run to the English Corner for their Grand Prize.

16. “I Love HK” (2023): On April 28, a Life-wide Learning Activity called “I Love HK” was organized for our S2 students. Students played a series of games and learnt some famous spots in the territory. In the end, the author of Journey with Joseph, John David Lewis, gave our students the book written by him and students felt excited about that and asked him to sign on his books. The evaluation from students show that they love all the theme-based activities very much.

Professional Sharing with Language Learning Support Section of Edb and Chang Ming Thien College (2023):

On 19th June 2023, three curriculum development officers from the Language Learning Support Section of Edb, together with 4 English teachers and the panel head from Chang Ming Thien College, came to visit our school to get some insights from our junior and senior form curriculum, the ways of motivating less proficient students and how to cater for learner diversity. Their comments on the sharing were very positive.


HK Inter-school English Marathon (2023)

Four of our students joined the HK Inter-school English Marathon organized by WMEA Charity Foundation LTD and were awarded, the details were as follows:

  1. Fong Hon Tak (3A) - Championship and Golden Prize in Speech and Poem Boys Secondary Category
  2. Dabao Gabrielle Marie (3A) - Silver Prize in Speech and Poem Girls Secondary Category
  3. Liu Shuk Yi (5A) - Golden prize in Speech and Poem Girls Category Secondary Category
  4. Lau Man Yui (5A) - Silver Prize in Speech and Poem Girls Secondary Category

In addition, our school has been granted the esteemed "Superior Performance Award" in recognition of our commitment to nurturing linguistic talent and fostering excellence in English language skills.